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What is LED?

What different of lights?

After flow in Cu ¡¿
Electron and Electron hole crash and combine
Electrical energy changes to light body

(N-type semiconductor)
Light-emitting part = semiconductor
Fluoresent Lamps

Voltage applied
E-particles flying out from the filament
E-particles with mercury particles
Collision ultraviolet
Ultraviolet rays hit the fluorescent materials
Produce visible light
Tungsten Lamps

Allow current to flow through the filament
Filament resistance
Generate more than 2000¢J thermal light
Bulb White light

W is to specify the brightness ?
W is the number to indicate the power consumption index. Same level of W light bulbs will have vary in brightness due to different species.

Example, the same level of W tungsten light will be brighter than fluorescent lamp because of the vary in brightness. Thereofore, when you are choosing your lamps, you would not only consider the brightness but also need to compare the power consumption to ensure the lamps is power saving.

Energy saving and durable LED light bulb
LED has the most durable and longest life expectancy, the operational life of LED can reach to 30,000 to 40,000 hour.

Comparing to LED and tungsten lamps, the electricity fee is actually about 1/10 of tungsten lamps.
The use of LED light bulbs not only can save the electricity fee but it also can reduce CO2 emissions on Earth. Moreover, the selection of LED will indirectly improve the Earth's environment and our quality of life.

Comparison between Halogen Lamp and Led
Halogen Lamps: 30pcs*50W halogen lamps = 1500W per hour
LED Spotlight: 30pcs*5W LED=150W per hour

Halogen Lamps: 1500W=1.5KW*12H=18KW/H
LED Spotlight: 150w=0.15kw*12H=1.8KW/H

Halogen Lamps: 18KW/H*30 days=540KW/H
LED Spotlight: 1.8KW/H*30 days=54KW/H

If 1KW/H equal to HK$1
Halogen Lamps: HK$540.00
LED Spotlight: HK$54.00
Monthly electicity bill difference: HK$486.00
Cost save around 80%~90%!!!

© OPEX Electronics 2012